Ahmad Darkhabani

outdoors, gunpowder burns quietly


Olia Sosnovskaya

The exhibition was curated by
Das Gesellschaftliche Ding with Ahmad Darkhabani as a member of the collective.

Venue: Annenstraße 53

Graz, Austria


burn, on fire, alight, inflamed, glow, ablaze, fervent, go up in smoke is part of Sosnovskaya’s on-going research into official soviet and post-soviet celebrations, festivals and rituals, focusing on the relation between the sublime, the affect, ideology and discipline, incorporated into spectacle and celebration. At the same time it is part of Sosnovskaya’s research into techno and rave culture and its political dimensions. The work brings the problematic of a subversive, revolutionary moment and the issue of exoticism and commercialisation, by looking into recent turbulent histories of former socialist countries, particularly into the phenomena of rave cultures in the context of war and crises.

Ahmad Darkhabani


Olia Sosnovskaya is an artist, writer and cultural organizer. She engages in performative, visual and textual practices, working between the festive and the political, intertwining collective choreographies, movement scores and post-socialist* temporalities. Part of artistic-research group Problem Collective and Work Hard! Play Hard! working group born 1988 in Minsk, Belarus. Based in Vienna, Austria

Ahmad Darkhabani
Ahmad Darkhabani
All images: Simon Oberhofer, 2023.